Budget Eyewear
Affordable Eyewear
for Everyone

At Sightique we believe anyone with a sight problems deserves good quality glasses at prices they can afford.
Shop for the best affordable eyewear in the market.

At Siqhtique you don't need to spend a fortune to get a great pair of glasses. With over 30 years of experience, Sightique Budget eyewear collections have developed a reputation for being the best value for money destination for stylish quality eyewear.


The Sightique Vision eyewear collection is one of our most popular collections due to it’s great quality and low-cost price point. With a variety of colours, styles, and materials, the Sightique Vision collection has managed to dominate the market in its price category, Due to the successful designs, the collection has found a suitable international market to fill that gap of great affordable eyewear.

Our Sightique Vision collection has a large variety of styles and shapes. The game changer for the collection is the use of acetate as the material of choice. Acetate is durable and can accommodate a variety of colours, the metal material used in this collection is made up of monel & stainless steel metal.

The NHI Range is a range ideally suited for the medical aid market. The NHI’s basic range, with distinguishing traits such as utility and strength are offered at affordable prices.

The collection is available in both metal and plastic. NHI offers our customers an entry level price point collection allowing the less fortunate an opportunity to have a good quality, well-styled frame.

The NHI collection is manufactured with TR90 & Monel [Metal] materials. The TR90 material, is molded through an injection process, making the fames hypoallergenic, lightweight, flexible and durable by nature. The TR90 material should be cold glazed for best lens fitting practice. Therefore, DO NOT use heat for glazing and DO NOT use any alcohol-based cleaning agents for taking off lens markings.

Please Read: This Portal is Reserved for Registered Optometrists, Optical Labs, Ophthalmologists, and Sightique Optic Supplies Customers Only.
We are a wholesale distributor and do not serve the general public. Thank you.

RX Frames


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